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Oct 3, 2024:

Website editcenter is an online website building center that allows you to build a template-driven web site from scratch or edit their existing site using only a web browser (Internet Explorer and FireFox on PC, or FireFox on Mac).more..
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Professional website packages

Webify LabsOur most demanded and best selling packages is Professional website packages. Small and medium business owners who are already running their business or just started their business, are purchasing our professional website packages.

After purchasing our this packages on low price, you will get a team of very professional web developers working for you.


This package starts from US$ 500,and the package includes:

  • A dedicated website designer/developer including programmer for your project
  • Package includes one flash banner
  • Package includes small programming page and that can be feedback, contact and other custom forms
  • Package includes free web hosting for first year and US$ 100 renewal charge every year. It doesn't matter how much space you will occupies
  • A Paypal shopping cart so you can instantly take credit card payments for your product or service
  • Streaming audio for your website free for first year and click here for renewal charge
  • PHPList mailing list. You can choose other mailing list including our Mailing List & Autoresponder System. It will have extra cost, we will help you to integrate mailing list/autoresponder to your website.
  • Free blog/forum installation and other small script installation related to your website.

How we work?

  • After contacting with us, we will ask you project details and all information that needed. It can be website banner, logo, required color, refrence website, images and others if any.
  • We will review on your information, will prepare project details and will send you cost and time estimation that can take. Also we can suggest you what we believe and what can be better choice for you according to your requirement.
  • We will prepare and show you first mockup design on JPG format and will ask for feedback if you have.
  • Will change on design according to your feedback till you will satisfy and will show you on same format. After your approval, we will start to making html pages.
  • We are sure, you will be satisfy. We believe on our quality and our professional team. If you are happy, then we. It's because all of our clients are our ambassadors.

Our previous works


Check out our Full Portfolio.

Do you have any questions?

If you want to make website and not sure what type of page will suit for you according to your business. Contact us for free consultation and we can suggest you.

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